Teaching Staff


The Course will consist in: i) a general part delivered by Davide Fiaschi and Angela Parenti and ii) several specific topics taught by experts of the field.

Davide Fiaschi (Course coordinator, UNIPI)

Davide Fiaschi is Full Professor in Economics at the University of Pisa. Its current research activity deals with European regional policy, economic growth, wealth distribution, nonparametric methods and spatial econometrics. He published several papers on economic volatility, and convergence and polarization at country, regional and province levels.

He will be the academic coordinator and will deliver 42 hours of lectures per year on the effects of European Regional Policy on the productivity and inequality among European regions.

Angela Parenti (UNIPI)

Angela Parenti is a Senior Researcher at the University of Pisa. Her current research activity deals with migration and workers mobility, European regional policy, economic growth, nonparametric methods and spatial econometrics. She published on international journals her works on regional macroeconomic volatility, convergence and polarization at provincial levels,

She will deliver 21 hours of lectures per year on the econometrics methods for measuring the effects of EU policy interventions.

Sonia Paty (Université de Lyon)

Sonia Paty is Full Professor at the University Lyon 2 and the director of the research centre GATE- Lyon St-Etienne. Her current research activity deals with public economics, taxation, local governments, applied spatial econometrics. She published on international journals several papers on local government cooperation, fiscal cooperation and tax competition.

She will delivering 3 hours of seminar per year on the European taxation systems and the implications of fiscal policy coordination and competition on economic decisions.

Stefano Magrini (Ca’ Foscari, Venezia)

Stefano Magrini is an Full Professor at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. His current research activity deals with the analysis of urban and regional systems, the analysis of the growth process, the study of disparities across space and workers, the analysis of convergence and the study of the economic impact of migrations. He published on international journals several papers on regional convergence, distribution dynamics, income disparities and urban growth.

He will delivering 2 hours of seminar per year on the effect of immigration flows on regional convergence dynamics.

Margherita Gerolimetto (Ca’ Foscari, Venezia)

Margherita Gerolimetto is an Associate Professor at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her current research activity deals on the one with the development of nonparametric estimator for economic convergence analysis that takes into account the spatial dependence, as well as a particular form of traditional unit root test for time series analysis. She published on international journals several papers on regional convergence, distribution dynamics, income disparities and non-linear economic time series.

She will delivering 2 hours of seminar per year on advanced nonparametric techniques for the study of convergence analysis across regions.

Cristina Tealdi (Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh)

Cristina Tealdi is an Associate Professor in Economics at Heriot-Watt University and the chair of the Marie Curie project EXODUS “Emigration of High-Skilled Individuals due to Short-Term Contracts”. Her current research activity deals with migration and workers mobility, from a theoretical perspective within search and matching frameworks and from an empirical perspective by using structural and reduced-form estimation techniques, with the objective to analyse and design policy interventions. She published on international journals her work on labour market flexibility.

She will delivering 2 hours of seminar per year on the impact of labour market institutions on labour mobility within and across countries in the EU.