- Davide Fiaschi and Andrea Mario Lavezzi (2003), Distribution dynamics and nonlinear growth, Journal of Economic Growth, 8, 379-401.
- Davide Fiaschi and Andrea Mario Lavezzi (2007), Nonlinear economic growth: Some theory and cross-country evidence. Journal of Development Economics, 84, 271-290.
- Davide Fiaschi and Andrea Mario Lavezzi (2007), Productivity polarization and sectoral dynamics in European regions, Journal of Macroeconomics, 29, 612-637.
- Davide Fiaschi, Lisa Gianmoena and Angela Parenti (2011), The Dynamics of Labour Productivity Across Italian Provinces: Convergence and Polarization, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 2, pp. 209-240.
- Fiaschi, and Parenti (2014), How Reliable Are the Geographical Spatial Weigths Matrices?, Région and Développement, 40, 53-68.
- Fiaschi, Gianmoena and Parenti (2014), Local Directional Moran Scatter Plot-LDMS, Région and Développement, 40, 97-112.
- Brunetti, Fiaschi, Gianmoena and Parenti (2015), Volatility in European Regions, Papers in Regional Science, 96, 697-720.
- di Porto, Parenti, Paty and Abid (2017), Local Government Cooperation at Work: A Control Function Approach, Journal of Economic Geography, 17 (2), 435-463.
- Fiaschi, Gianmoena and Parenti (2017), Asymmetric Macroeconomic Volatility in European Regions, Spatial Economic Analysis, 12, 251-278.
- Fiaschi, Gianmoena and Parenti (2017), Spatial Club Dynamics in European Regions, Regional Science and Urban Economics, doi: 10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2017.04.002.
- Fiaschi, Lavezzi and Parenti (2018), Does EU Cohesion Policy Work? Theory and Evidence, Journal of Regional Science, 58(2), 386-423.
- Davide Fiaschi and Cristina Tealdi (2018), Some Stylized Facts on Italian Inter-regional Migration, in Regional Development Trajectories beyond the Crisis, Franco Angeli.
- Davide Fiaschi, Andrea Mario Lavezzi and Angela Parenti (2019), Deep and Proximate Determinants of the World Income Distribution. Forthcoming in Review of Income and Wealth.
- Angela Parenti and Cristina Tealdi (2019), The role of job uncertainty in inter-regional commuting: the case of Italy. Forthcoming in Growth and Change.
- Angela Parenti and Cristina Tealdi (2020), Cross-border labour mobility in Europe: migration versus commuting. Forthcoming in P. Nijkamp, K. Kourtit, M. Partridge and B. Newbold (eds) “Handbook on the Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration”, Springer.
Working Papers
- Angela Parenti and Cristina Tealdi (2019), Does the implementation of the Schengen Agreement boost cross-border commuting? Evidence from Switzerland. IZA Discussion Papers 12754, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
- Davide Fiaschi, Angela Parenti and Cristina Tealdi (2019), A new approach to the estimation of selective migration with an application to Italy.
- Davide Fiaschi, Angela Parenti and Cristina Tealdi (2019), Who gains and who loses from migration? Theory and an application to Italy.